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Ethiopia is committed to doing everything it can to support the ongoing reform efforts to strengthen UN Peacekeeping: FM Workneh



The Secretary-General today convened a high level event on his Action for Peacekeeping initiative on the sidelines of #UNGA73. More than 145 countries including Ethiopia have endorsed the declaration of shared commitments on Action for Peacekeeping. Below is the statement delivered by Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu at the High Level Event.

Mr. Secretary-General,

​Thank you for hosting this important high-level event on action for peacekeeping. We express profound appreciation to you for all the efforts you have been making in reforming the United Nations peace and security architecture since you assumed your responsibilities.

We all know that the world is passing through enormous difficulties. As you rightly pointed out this morning, the challenges and threats to our collective peace and security are becoming much more complex and they can only be effectively addressed through the multilateral approach. That is why we need more of the UN and not less. However, we all agree that the United Nations must be made fit for purpose so as to be able to effectively respond to the challenges of our time.

Mr. Secretary-General,

​Reform of UN peacekeeping operations in all their aspects is indeed one of the core pillars of the reform of the United Nations Peace and Security Architecture. The discussion on the reform of UN peacekeeping Operations has been going on for quite sometime and it is absolutely important that we move from words to action. In this context, the steps that you have taken to help us move along this direction through your Action for Peacekeeping Initiative is commendable.

​Ethiopia was closely involved in the development of the Declaration of shared commitments on Action for Peacekeeping. We are pleased to be among the first countries to have endorsed the Declaration. This is only appropriate in light of our role as a major troop contributing country to UN Peacekeeping Operations. Currently, more than eight thousand Ethiopian peacekeepers are serving under the blue helmets. We take this opportunity to honor their commitment and sacrifices in the advancement of international peace.

Ethiopia’s track record in UN peacekeeping over the past 70 years is well known. I want to assure you that my government is firmly committed to doing everything we can to support the ongoing reform efforts to strengthen UN Peacekeeping, which continues to play a significant role in advancing our collective security.

In recent years, we have been actively engaged in the discussion on the reform of UN peacekeeping working closely with other like-minded countries. Through the Informal Group of Friends of Peace Operations, that we are co-chairing with Norway and the Republic of Korea, we have been facilitating informal discussions among key stakeholders on the various facets of the reform exercise. We are committed to continue to do so in supporting your Action for Peacekeeping Initiative.

Mr. Secretary-General,

​ In the current global security dynamics, the UN cannot address international peace and security challenges and threats alone. That is why enhancing partnerships with other regional and sub-regional arrangements in the spirit of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter has become all the more indispensable. We are pleased to note that this is well recognized as one of the most important pillars of your Action for Peacekeeping. We are also encouraged to note that the Declaration reaffirms the need to enhance the predictability, sustainability and flexibility of financing for AU-led peace support operations authorized by the Security Council, and under the Security Council’s authority consistent with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter.

We hope we will be able to advance the discussion on this issue building on the progress that has been made thus far and we together with our African colleagues look forward to actively engaging on this in the coming months. We very much appreciate your leadership on this issue and we count on your continued support.

​​​​​​​​I thank you.

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