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Stronger together (2011 E.C year of synergy)


”Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
(1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

“Let them pardon and overlook. Would you not love for Allah to forgive you? Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant.” (Surah An-Nur 24:22) and (Surah Al-A’raf 7:199)
How much is the price of love? How much is the cost of forgiveness? Where is the exact place to buy love and forgiveness? I hope readers’ answer will be “Nowhere”. Indeed, if the only place where we can buy or sell love and forgiveness is in our heart. Love and forgiveness are not commodities. They are not something for sell at global market or we can not order them from online markets or black market. The only place where we can get them is within our heart.

It has almost been more than four months since we started to hear about love and forgiveness from our political leaders. It was a sentiment which was rare and difficult for most revolutionary African leaders . If there was any person whose tongue has never failed from preaching love and forgiveness on the soil of Africa, it was the legendary Nelson Mandela who really experienced the ugliness of segregation and hatred at the hands of white minorities. Despite all his sufferings, Mandela did not follow “Eye for an eye. Tooth for tooth principle.” Instead, he followed the opposite course. During his time Mandela had never preached hatred and revenge to his fellow South Africans. Till his last breath, Mandela had kept love and forgiveness as his political brands.
Love and forgiveness have become the motto of the new Ethiopia too. Hatred and revenge had costed the nation thousands of innocent lives. It had also made the country incur dollar debt in billions. Though Ethiopia is a symbol of freedom for other African countries, domestic hatred and revenge have crippled its effort toward democratization. Failure to respect human rights had triggered enmity from different factions.

Ethiopians have almost finalized preparation to welcome their new year (2011 E.C). The outgoing 2010 was a mixture of both fear and hope of change. The outgoing year has witnessed minor and major upheavals in several parts of the country. The quest for democratization and good governance and resistance against the ruling party had caused such upheavals. In the meantime, unexpected things happened in the last quarter of the outgoing year. With the coming of Dr. Abiy as a prime Minister of Ethiopia, the political map of the nation has started to change. His swift reforms have won the appreciation of Ethiopians all over the country and abroad. His diplomatic measures have surprised Ethiopians. This is specially true for the diplomatic relationship with Eritrea that had been disrupted for almost two decades.

Using his “Forgiveness”, “Love” and “Inclusivity” philosophies, Dr. Abiy has won the heart of every individual. He has also attracted the attention of global community. , if there is anyone who could benefits out of hatred and revenge it is no other than the devil.

There was no time the new Prime Minister refrained from mentioning the power of love and forgiveness towards building the new Ethiopia. “Love and synergy are the only and the best ways that benefit Ethiopia. They are the sole magic bullets towards building great Ethiopia.”

Indeed, the costs of love and forgiveness are peace and stability. Ethiopia is a great nation with an ancient history and civilization. If this history could not warrant us change it will be a liability not an asset. Change needs the active participation of every citizen. Change needs loving and forgiving hearts not standers by. When we pursue love and forgiveness there is no any power that prevent us from repeating our ancient history of being a great nation.

We Ethiopians were one and we will keep on being one. When we are together we become stronger. This is our secret of tolerance. This is the secret behind 3,000 years of of journey.

The Ethiopian Herald NP September 9, 2018

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