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Ethio-American Diaspora doctors engaged in a noble task

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Ethio-American Diaspora doctors engaged in a noble task

Gemechu Tussa

A group of Ethio-American Doctors, comprising over 260 Ethiopian origin residing in the U.S. Canada, Europe and Africa,  announced that they planned to build center of excellency hospital in Addis Ababa. On the occasion,  the Chairman of the Group, Girma Tefera (Dr.) emphasized that  “now is the time to contribute to our society through our profession and experiences which gained abroad”.


In fact, it is time for all Ethiopians at home and abroad to join hands and work day in day out to strengthen the changes registered so far and realize the renaissance of their country.


Ethiopia has registered incredible changes in the past two decades.  It made an implausible shift from  dire poverty to fast, sustainable development. Poverty has been dropping off since the fall of the military regime  in the 1991. The time at which  the entire socio-economic and political set up of the country was altogether  altered; the democratic system was cemented  in place of the unitary governance system.   


In contrary to the vision EPRDF targeted to achieve, a number of national and international political and economic analysts prophesied  the gloomy future of Ethiopia.


However, what Ethiopia looks like twenty five years later contradicts the forwarded anticipations.    In fact, it is undeniable that Ethiopia has faced various challenges since the fall of the military rule. The division of TPLF in 2002, the chaos  in the aftermath of election 2005, the recurring droughts, the death of the visionary leader Meles Zenawi,  the ill practices of the chauvinists  and the rising rent seeking activities, the recent unrest in some parts of the country particularly in the Amhara and Ormoyia States  could be some  among many other challenges.


Despite all the aforementioned and other  severe challenges, the country  managed to realize  tangible changes in the life of the people due to the fast sustainable economic growth the country  registered in the past two decades, which is emanated from the clear strategies and policies that suited to the country’s position.


Besides, both human and democratic rights  of the people got respect since the fall of the military rule.   The realization of the political power of the people and the assurance of equality among nations, nationalities and peoples of the country that would  further strengthened  their unity and solidarity. The sole witnesses for the respect of the political power are the people themselves. Neither non-governmental organizations nor international media who usually use accustomed to reporting based on second and far resources.   The new Ethiopia is built and progressing  on the bases of all peoples willingness, mutual understanding and respect to one another. Particularly, the past fifteen years witnessed  a significant rising economic growth and a widening political space.   


The prevailing of democracy in the country and the flourishing of lasting peace along with the rising economic growth encouraged the government and the people to further plan the second growth and Transformation Plan, which is expected to accelerate the structural transformation of agricultural led economy to industrial led, which paved the ways   for nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia  at home and abroad to move forward together to realize the renaissance of their country.


Despite some disparity, development efforts in Ethiopia is highly supported by the Ethiopian Diaspora. In the past twenty five years,  they have been participating in different ways: some turned back home and serve their people, others invest at home though residing abroad, some others contribute their knowledge and time to their country and the rest  contribute to the country’s economy through remittance.

Despite a few Diaspora  members who have been opposing any development in the country and agitating development partners  to restrain from their support to Ethiopia as well as propagating people to refrain to participate in their own developments, most of the Ethiopian Diaspora community are devoted to help their country and their people in all aspects.  Their contribution to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is a real witness.  Besides, they have been  taking part in various investments.

Another significant participation of the Ethiopian Diaspora is the recent promise that the Ethio-American Doctors Medical Group made to the Ethiopian people.  They displayed their commitment to build the first Center of Excellence Hospital in Addis Ababa and  the cornerstone was laid by Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn.  According to reports from the event, the completion of the hospital   enable the country reduce the burden of sending patients abroad for  medical treatment.

This indicates how the Ethiopian Diaspora are marching together to assist their people at home to help the inevitable renaissance of the country. The role of the Diaspora Community is indispensable for the overall development of the country so that it need to be further strengthened and consolidated.

Despite all the progresses so far, there were various challenges.  There were  blind attacks against every development activity in the country.  Despite the inconsiderable  number of Ethiopian Diaspora appreciating and participating in the country’s developments, there are a few who have been opposing the development of their own country.


These groups who have set networks with other countries who stood against the development  of the people of Ethiopia, they have been attempting to create abhorrence and jeopardizing the efforts exerted in realizing democracy and development by releasing webs of unfounded stories.


They have also been campaigning against Ethiopia’s national interest that persuaded the majority of the Ethiopian Diaspora to give a deaf ear to the calls of backing development efforts in Ethiopia.


The negative intention towards the developments in The distorted and unfounded information disseminated by a few anti-Ethiopia International Organizations and Ethiopians who blindly blame the current government coerced the Diaspora either to join the silent majority or associate with the anti-Ethiopia elements.


The people of Ethiopia  have strengthened their unity and working  industriously being hand in glove to realize their development ignoring all the distinctive activities of such groups.  Despite the rejection  from the people, these groups never ceased their blind approach towards jeopardizing Ethiopian development.


Most of the Ethiopian Diaspora have been participating in their country’s social, economic and political affairs putting aside the blackmailing agendas of the   some groups. It is incredible to believe but the entire situation in Ethiopia has now changed and it  has registered tremendous political, economic and social aspects. That is why the people gave deaf ears to those who usually agitate  them against  their renaissance.  


Previously, a considerable number of Diaspora were opposing the government in Ethiopia and even attempting to influence donor nations to desist their assistance. However, they have sensed the development at home and determined to support ther government than being obstacles. That is why a number of Diaspora members visit their country every time and invest at home. What the Ethio-American doctors done is also viewed from this perspective. They determined to build an excellence hospital in Addis Ababa and help their people. This is a noble task that others should follow.


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