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Ethiopia’s Human Rights handling

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Ethiopia’s Human Rights handling/Desta Hailu/

            United Nations Human Rights Commission High Commissioner Ziad Rad Al Hussein has recently visited Ethiopia. The visit of the commission came at the invitation of the Ethiopian government. The objective of the visit aimed at creating the opportunity to enable him to understand the state of human rights handing in Ethiopia. During his visit, the commissioner met with Ethiopia’s Human Rights Commission Commissioner Dr. Adisu Gebregziabher, FDRE house of people’s representatives Spokesperson Abadula Gemeda and FDRE Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.

During his meeting with Dr. Adisu Gebregziabher, high commissioner Ziad Rad Al Hussein talked on the relation between Ethiopia’s and United Nation’s human rights commissions. The high commissioner stated that Ethiopia is a partner to the human rights protection the UN do at international level. Commissioner Dr. Adisu on his part said as a founder country of UN Human rights commission UNHRC, Ethiopia has been implementing the international laws the commission has enacted at various times.

And during his meeting with the Prime Minister, the high commissioner talked over human rights and other related issues. Prime Minister Hailemariam added that Ethiopia will continue strongly with the collaborative wok it is doing with UNHRC on human rights handing and institution building. They have reached mutual accord when it comes to human rights handling, and building and strengthening institutions.

During his talk with Parliament Spokesperson Abadula Gemeda, the high commissioner asked how the house of people’s representatives implements human rights protection.  Spokesperson Abadula told the high commissioner that human rights handing is an issue that is implemented as high agenda and priority. He explained that the parliament has installed a procedure and supervision system that helps improve the lives of citizens, ensure constitutional right and other basic supports.

He also told the high commissioner that the parliament was able to bring peace immediately after the unrest that occurred in some parts of the country threatened the lives of citizens by issuing a state of emergency. Abadula added that the parliament has been taking assessment and corrective measures so that there are no human right violations during the implementation of the state of emergency.

The UN Human Rights Commission commissioner also held talks with local opposition parties. The parties’ told the commissioner that there are limitations on Ethiopian human rights during their talk. The political parties said that the FDRE constitution gives huge place to human rights, but the gaps that are seen on their implementation is causing human rights violation. They also asked for UN to help strengthen Ethiopia’s Human rights commission in terms of capacity and neutrality. The high commissioner on his part said that the gaps that are seen can only be solved by Ethiopians.

The high commissioner held a press briefing at the end of his three days visit to Ethiopia. On his statement, the commissioner applauded Ethiopia on the contribution it is making for the peace and stability of Arica and on hosting refugees. He stated that the discussions the government initiated with opposition parties and civil society should continue in order to widen the political space and strengthen democratic order building.

He also suggested that there should be some caution so that laws like the anti-terror law will not be used to stifle opposition voices. Regarding the unrest that occurred in some areas of Ethiopia, the high commissioner said that the report the human rights commission issued should be encouraged. He also mentioned that UNHCR will give its support for the successful implementation of the second human rights action plan (that will implemented from 2008-2012) the country recently launched.

UNHCR high commissioner meeting with the opposition parties will enable him to understand the views that exist outside the government bodies in regards to human rights violation. And the talks he held with government officials will allow him to see and understand the commitment the government has on implementing the constitution and protect human and democratic rights, and the gaps they face in this regard and the source of the gaps. In general, it is believed that his visit will allow him to have a fair view into the positions of two differing sides regarding human rights handling. And add the fact that the high commissioner made his visit to Ethiopia in the days when the country has started to implement its second human rights commission action plan, it is believed that it will make his view on the subject matter even more balanced.

The human rights action plan is a document that incorporates basic human rights, democratic freedom, and social and economic development rights. It details tangible responsibilities of every government bodies so that every rights are implemented to their fullest. When there are implementation problems, the document helps in identifying the entity that is showing weakness and holds them responsible. This process in general helps to elevate the country’s human rights handling.

The action plan also allows us to deeply understand human rights and freedom. As repeatedly seen tangibly, it is only about issues related to democratic rights. As democracy is built through changes in the thinking of the people, government, opposition parties and other stakeholders, we will inevitably see some gaps especially given that the process is at beginner level. This happens in every country, not only in Ethiopia. Thus, looking at Ethiopia’s human rights handling from democratic freedom alone can create a distorted perspective. The Prime minister clearly put this in the speech he gave during the launching of the action plan document.

The government didn’t prepare the action plan just because it’s a regular procedure or to grab the attention of donor organizations. The Prime minister said that the document was prepared by understanding, accepting and believing that human and democratic rights issues are basis of the country’s existence.

He also said that there are some gaps when it comes to the country’s human rights handling and democratic system as it is on a transitional phase, but it is not at a level people that don’t want to see our peace and development claim. Mentioning that the government had been trying to strengthen the democratic system and make sure human rights are fully respected, he said that still the country’s democratic system is not free from some gaps considering it at a beginner stage.

He also stated that gaps are seen in the process of protecting and respecting human rights due to unawareness in the part of the law practitioners, malpractice and in relation to other backward thinking. He explained that the government itself has seen this during the deep renewal and accepted that there are good governance problems, and is working to solve it. The prime minister added that the second national human rights action plan enables them to implement human right handling and democratic system integrative. On the other hand, Miss Ahuna Izaku Azakunuwa UN Ethiopia main country Coordinator and liaison of UN Development program and Humanitarian Affairs gave an explanation on the state of human rights in Ethiopia in an interview she held With VoA Amharic program following the launching of the second action plan. She said human rights are inseparable comprehensive rights, and Ethiopia has recorded good results on economic and social rights.

“The result the Ethiopian government achieved in its effort to pull out the people from the difficulty they were in by pouring huge resources will make Ethiopia in the front seat of Africa. It is with pride that we say Ethiopia is one of the countries that achieved the Millennium development goals. When we come to the political and civil rights, there are problems as Prime Minister Hailemariam has said. The political space should be opened for participation, and the political culture should deepen. This is because Ethiopia’s democracy is an infant stage.”

All the aforementioned statements given by various entities show that the general human rights handling is at good level, but there are still some gaps regarding democratic rights, and the gaps emanates from the infant stage the democracy is at. The discussion forum the government initiated involves local political parties and civic associations, and it shows the strong commitment and desire the government have to solve the gaps. It is expected there will be some results from this initiative soon.

In general, Ethiopia has recorded an amazing success in terms of ensuring economic and social rights that is recognizable at international level. There have been amazing successes gained in terms of ensuring the right to self determination and other related political freedoms. Of course some gaps are seen in terms of respecting some basic human rights and democratic freedom. Ethiopia is currently at a level that would enable it to rectify these gaps. The launching of the second action plan and the discussions forum can be mentioned illustration to this claim. The report that was made official after investigating human right violation that were committed in relation to the unrest that occurred last year in Oromia, Amhara and Southern region confirms this fact as well.

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