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Maintaining our diplomatic successes

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Maintaining our diplomatic successes/Taye Kebede/

                    Ethiopia’s acceptance is growing due to the diplomatic principle it adheres to. As a result, the country is attracting the interest of other countries and gaining acceptance at continental and global level. And all this is gained through the works the country is doing internally. It should not be forgotten that the acceptance we get internationally is the outcome of the peace, development and democratic works we do internally.

Ethiopia has worked for the past 26 years in the name of peace out of committed stance it has for peace. The country is currently first from Africa and fourth in the world in dispatching peacekeeping forces by sending more than 10 thousand of its troops. The peacekeeping troops the government dispatched to various countries are renowned for their pro-people attitude and discipline. I will raise two instances in this article to serve me as an example – Somalia and the contentious Abeyei region.

As it’s known, the terrorist group ‘Al-Ittahad Al-Islamiya’; which was preparing and organizing itself to carryout attack on our country by harboring in the then stateless Somalia for two decades, was preparing to carry out terror attack by infiltrating into our country from Somalia. As it can be recalled, it used the eastern part of our country as getaway to undertake its sinister act. However, as such antics takes away the rights and benefits the local people were getting from the constitution, it was not acceptable.  

As they believe that our troops are forces of peace, they have given their committed support to our troops who were fighting to stop the terrorist group. In addition to facing ‘Al-Ittihad’ head on, the local people have played huge role in this fight by giving out tips for our troops, who are known for their discipline and pro-people attitude. When the terror group was hit in this manner with the support of the local people, the sheikh Dawir Aweyes led Islamic fundamentalist group by the name of ‘Union of Islamic Courts (UIC)’ clearly declared war on our country at the behest (backing) of the Eritrean government. Our government responded by giving its hand out for peace which didn’t get similar response.

Although there was no elected government in Somalia at that time, the government had to respect the brother and sister people of Somalia. Thus, as it didn’t want to violate the border of Somalia by respecting the people, the government used various channels to change the mind of the group – with no avail.

Thus, after exhausting every peace options, and after the government’s long running patience run out, it had neutralized the clear and present danger that was posed on our country after the parliament ratified the mission. The fact that this mission to revert the present danger posed on the country was undertaken with pro-people attitude and discipline has garnered the respect of the Somali people.

When the ‘Union of Islamic Court’ was beaten by the iron hand of our troops along with the collaboration of the Somali people, its remnants established a extremist group called ‘Al-Shabaab’. Then the extremist group declared that it is the east Africa faction of Al-Qaeda. It gathered international jihadists from where they are. It then declared Jihad on our country.

However, our defense forces still went to that country in order to reverse back the threat that was posed on us. Our troops returned back to their home after driving Al-Shabaab into a meaningless level. The usual support came from the Somali people when our troops did that. Even though the transitional government was not strong at the time, our troops have paid sacrifices in order for a government to be established in that country after many years.  

So, as the terrorist group Al-Shabaab continued to be a threat to the region, our troops joined the internationally sanctioned peacekeeping mission AMISOM after a request for their involvement was sent to our defense force. Through AMISOM, our troops have helped lay the basis in the effort that led for Somalia to establish a publically elected government and elect its President peacefully.  

In my belief, the present relative peace that is found in Somalia today has come at the back fight our troops put up with discipline and pro-people attitude. Thus, it will not be a lie to say that the peace of Somalia is an outcome of Ethiopia’s government peace-loving attitude and the discipline and pro-people attitude of our troops. When turning my attention to the Abeyei region, as it’s known, the Ethiopian troops were chosen as the only option to enter into the contentious region of Abeyei by the decision of United Nations. Both Sudan and South Sudan put their trust only on the troops of Ethiopian defense force to look after the peace of the region. The United Nations Security Council has also given its consent to dispatch its peacekeeping dispatch to the region solely.

This was an unprecedented decision made by the United Nations. It is also unusual for the UN or two contending or warring sides to choose the troops of one country unanimously. This demand for our peacekeeping force comes from our troops pro-people attitude, neutrality and how disciplined they are in carrying out their missions. Our forces are carrying out their mission today in Abeyei with amazing discipline and bravery. Thus, these and other exemplary diplomatic successes should continue strongly.   

The other issue we find in this regard is the rise of our country’s role in negotiations. This diplomatic success existed during the reign of emperor Haileselassie, but it further elevated on an institutional and systematic manner under the FDRE government. It was during this administration that Ethiopia became the voice of Africa in the global issue of climate change. It was also under this government that as part of the solution it showed the way by initiating its own green economy initiative. All this has helped in bourgeoning the country’s acceptance at international level.

In my belief, the contributions the FDRE government made during the times of OAU and now under AU are the basis for the diplomatic success it has gotten now. It was during the time of AU that the IGAD /Inter-Governmental Authority on Development/ and Ethiopia started to work to bring peace to the region. And on the 1992 Nairobi Summit, where IGAD worked to broker a peace deal, the Ethiopian government recorded a successful role. This effort and success of our country has attracted the accolade of the international community.

Indeed! The Ethiopian government contribution to the peace agreement that was struck by the Sudanese government and South Sudan Rebels was immense. This is because; the fact that both parties reached a peace agreement indicated the things to come. Also as it can be recalled, the Ethiopian government has also played a major role in the success of the 1998 peace summit that was held in Addis Ababa. Thus, as the team effort made by IGAD /Inter-Governmental Authority on Development/ and the Ethiopian government was accepted by both parties, the 2005 CPA (Comprehensive Peace Agreement) agreement was signed.

However, despite this success the country was sucked onto another crisis. The Darfur crisis, which is an ethnic conflict involving various actors followed shortly. Of course efforts were under way to resolve the crisis peacefully. The one made by the likes of Chad and by African Union (AU) can be pointed out here.

Although there have been an effort to bring together the Sudanese government and the two militants in Addis Ababa, it was not successful. As Ethiopia’s desire to create good relation with its neighbors emanates from its foreign affairs and national security policy, it has helped change the relation that used to be seen between the two.

Truth be told, the effort to bring peace to Sudan emanates from the positive role our neighbors peace has on our development, peace and democratic order building. The only way our effort to beat poverty and backwardness can be successful is if our neighbors are at peace. Obviously even the peace of countries that are situated far away from us has huge role on the peace of our own let alone our bordering countries. And this will inevitably led countries to work hand in hand at continental level and strengthen the renaissance of Africa.

All in all, they have stated their appreciation for the Ethiopian government which played the major role in stopping the brutal conflict that erupted between South Sudan rebels and Sudan. And this is a huge diplomatic success our country has gained.

The relation South Sudan striked with Ethiopia since its independence is based on mutual benefit. It revolves around trade, infrastructure, investment and security issues. Currently, the good relation our country has with the newest country is expected to boost its effort to economically integrate the region. And this is one of our diplomatic successes. In general, the reason that is making our country in need and accepted at the continental and international level emanates from the diplomatic success it is gaining. Thus, these diplomatic successes should be maintained.


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