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Joint engagement needed for peace, stability in the Horn

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Joint engagement needed for peace, stability in the Horn


Tesfaye Lemma


It is well read that the Eritrean government has a direct link and collaborates with terrorist groups in destabilizing activities as well as escalating conflicts despite the various efforts to curb its ill-practice.  


Various media reports indicated that the state in Asmara has continued purchasing various military equipments for such terrorist activities violating the sanctions imposed on it by the United Nations Security Council.  


It has been engaged in peace poisoning activities through plotting terrorist activities, training terrorist groups and supplying logistics to groups aimed to destabilize peace and jeopardizing development   in the region; escalating  the disturbed situations in Somalia and South Sudan.


Despite all these challenges, Ethiopia has been managed to control all security issues and protect its citizens from attacks plotted by the State in Eritrea. Besides, it has been working towards achieving lasting peace and stability in the Horn Region.


Despite the soaring conflicts in the Horn of Africa, there is insignificant collaboration between the African Union and the International Community. But the people have been suffering of these insecure and instable situations. They persistently cry to the international community for help for a regional peace and stability.


Cognizant of the need to collaborate for lasting peace and stability in the region, some nations including Ethiopia have been exerting tremendous efforts under the auspice of the AMISOM in to bring to an end the long-drawn-out conflicts and civil wars in the volatile Horn region.  


South Sudan, one of the countries in the region, is still suffering from the consequences of longest war with Sudan and the civil war between the rival sides.


Currently, a severe war between the two rivalries has flared up once again and claiming the lives of thousands of people driving hundreds of thousands of people out of home.   


In fact, the recent conflict happened amid all the efforts exerted to bring the two parts to a peaceful dialogue and negotiations.


Ethiopia has ceaselessly made significant endeavor to ease the problems among the two conflicting parts. Its sacrifice for lasting peace in the region particularly in South Sudan and Somalia has emanated from its firm stand to alleviate poverty and ensure sustainable economic development.


That is why Ethiopia has been paying blood sacrifice to ensure peace and stability in Somalia for a long period and in South Sudan from the recent years.  


Past twenty six years witnessed that peace building is one of Ethiopia’s major agendas in the region having ascertained its own peace and stability, believing that regional peace is crucial for economic growth and integration.  Besides, instability in any of the countries in the region could significantly affect others.


Realizing peace and stability in the Horn of Africa, however, demands much sacrifice. The various destructive attempts by the terrorist and anti-peace elements could be meaningfully curbed if and only if there is collaboration between states in the region and the international community.


The international community has lots of rooms to intervene in creating a stable and peaceful situation in the region, particularly in alleviating financial constraints those countries faced in their struggle against terrorism and anti peace elements.


Another significant intervention could be participating in creating awareness among the society about the destructive nature of these anti-peace groups who have been usually attempting to mislead the public under the pretext of religion. The public also has to know that in the real sense, religion is not their basic business but they use it as a cover. In this regard, the people in the region along with other peace loving countries should come together against anti-peace groups.

Many political analysts argue that public participation could help both in identify peace spoilers and maintain lasting peace.   That is why the Ethiopian government has consistently talking to the local population in evaluating security problems in the country.

Therefore, there should be a consolidated effort to bring all   people in the region together as they are the sole partners by ensuring and maintaining peace in the region. That is why the war torn Horn of Africa deserves the cooperation of the international community.  


Prime Minister Hialemariam Dessalegn, addressing a conference on Somalia held in London recently, urged the international community to pay attention to the volatile region. He emphasized that the intervention and support of the international community is crucial to build peaceful Somalia in particular and create a stable region in general.


Ethiopia has been working in collaboration with other countries to bring lasting peace and stability in the region under the auspice of AMISOM as a result, al-Shabaab has been facing a major onslaught and it has weakened. It has taken the lion’s share and been striving to help Somali brothers.


The same is true to the people of South Sudan.  But the situation, particularly in South Sudan has escalated and there is need a for the international community to lend a hand to the regional efforts in ensuring lasting peace.


There are constraints in meaningfully fighting anti-peace elements in this region. This is because of the fact on one hand the countries in the region and other neighboring countries in the region have not equally committed to ensure peace and stability.


There are even some states directly or indirectly participating in poisoning peace and jeopardizing development. That was why the Ethiopian Prime Minister called the international community to cooperate in the struggle against anti-peace groups and terrorists in the region. In fact, it  is time for to come together and strive against anti-peace  elements in the region to ensure an endurable peace and stability.





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