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መለስ ኣንፃር ፎኮይዝም

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ስብሓት ገ/እግዚኣብሄር

መሰረታዊ ለውጢ ሕብረተሰብ ዝረጋገፅ ብንጡፍ ተሳትፎን ማዕበላዊ ሓይሊ ሓፋሽ ኣይኮነን። ብሱሉን ንፁርን ርእዮተ ዓለማውን ስነ-ሓሳባውን መስመራት ብኑን እዩ።  ፖለቲካዊ፣ ማሕበራውን መንፈሳውን ትሕዝቶ ሕብረተሰብ ብዝግባእ ከይተ ንተኑ፣ ኣገዳስነት መሪሕፖለቲካዊ ሰልፊ ጐስዮም  ብምሕ ላፍ ኣብ ውልቀ ተሳትፎ ይኣምኑ። ሓፋሽ ብሳይንሳዊ ኣገባብ ክውደብ ፣ ፖለቲካዊ ብስለቱ ክዓቢ ዘኽእልስራሕ ኣይሰ ርሑን። ማሕበ ረሰባዊ ለውጢ ምስ ፖለቲካን ኢኮኖ ሚን ዝተጠናነገ ባህርያት ዝወነነ፣ ነቲ ቃልሲ ድማ ብትንታግ ሓዊ ወያነዝዕወት ምዃኑ ዝኻሓዱ እዮም። እምበኣር ከስ ከምዚ ዝበለ ጉዳይ ማሕበ ራውን ፖለቲካውን ፍል ስፍና “ፎኮይዝም Focoism ተባሂሉይፅዋዕ።

እዚ ንምልዓል ቀንዲ ምኽንያት ዝኾነና ድማ እቲ ውሩይ ወያናይ ዴሞክራት ሶሻል ሳይንቲስ መለስ ዜናዊ ነዚ ኣምር ኣምሪሩ በቲ ዘይነፅፍብርዑ ተቓሊስዎ። ዝኾነ ዓይነት ማሕ በራዊ፣ ፖለቲካውን ቁጠባውን ለውጢ ዝረጋገፅ ናይ ሓፋሽ ሓቀኛን ርት ዓውን ክታም እንትዓርፎእዩ።

ሱታፌ ህዝቢ ዘይብሉ ወያነ ፍፁም ክዕወት ከምዘ ይኽእል ብግብራዊ እማኝ ተንቲኑ፣ ፅሒፉን ሞጒቱን እዩ። ንነብ ስኻ ኣብ ዘይግባእናሕሲ ኣቐሚጥካ ፣ ንፁር መስመራትን እም ነትን ከይሓዝካ ዝመፅእ ለውጢ የለን። ኩሎም ቃልስታት ሓፋሽ ከዕስሉ፣ ንሓቀኛ ማሕበራውንቁጠባውን ፍትሕን እንትቃለሱ ኩሉ ይሰምር። ዘጋጥሙ ፀገማትን ማእለ ማታትን ድማ ብቀላፅም ሓፋሽ ሓመድ ድበ ይኣቱ። ህዝቢ ሰረትዘለኣለማዊ ለውጥን ሓይልን እዩ።

ንፍትሕን ሓርነትን ምዕባለን ለውጥን ኣብ ዝግበር ቃልሲ ንቕድሚት ዝእንፍቱ ገስገስቲ ሓሳባት ብመሪሕ ውድብ እናተመርሑ ናብቲዘይተ ርፍ ናሕሲ ምዕባለ ይበፅሑ።  እዚ ሓቂ ድማ ካብ ዜና መወእል ገድሊ ዝተመሃርናዮ፣ በዲያሌቲካል መስመርና ተነፍዩ፣ ነፂሩ ዝወፀ ኣስተምህሮታት ስሙይ መራሒናመለስ ዜናዊ እዩ።

ሕዚ እውን ብቐፃልነት power to the people ወናኒ ስልጣን ህዝቢ እዩ። ዝብል እምነት፣ ማሕበራ ውን ፖለቲካውን ፍልስፍናታት መለስዜናዊ ናብ ሓፋሽ ክሰርፁ ከቢድ ፃዕሪ የድሊ።  ኣብ ዝተፈላለዩ ፀፍሒ ዝርከቡ ካድረታት በብእዋኑ ነዚ ዶክትሪን ክሰፍሑን ክዕቅቡን ድማዚያዳ ሓላፍነት ኣለዎም።



  1. Mulugeta Andargie says

    Guys!!! Meles Zenawi was not his name. Meles Tekle who fought during the students’ movements in Addis Abeba University. Meles Tekle threw a bomb at City Hall. Lastly, he was caught and killed by the Police Force. When Meles Zenawi started arm struggle with TPLF, he took the name Meles as he thought that guy was a hero. Before changing the name, he was called Legesse Zenawi. Let me go back to my point. Meles is not a writer or an intellectual person to lead the front at that time. But he was a front solver problem taking the risk of the situations which the Front faced the crisis, at that moment. Look at his recent photos!!! He looked like as that guy had a mental sickness. We couldn’t give him a fake name. We give him what he deserves. It is a mockery for any one that Meles Zenawi was an extra ordinary person. Even he couldn’t make his last degree at all. Guys!! Let us give the name to the person which he deserves. He had mental sickness!!! He forgot the others’ nations demands. His works were seen to others. Let Seyoum Mesfin talk about his last and final year of his death. Why did he get to Parliament with guards while the whole members disarmed before they reached to their seats???Shame on you guys!!!! He was sick!!! Abnormal!!! Now, he had gone!!! He won’t back at all!!! We give him the right critics!!! He deserves!!! He took the whole Federal Budget money to his region, while others were in hunger. Meles Zenawi was not as Meles Tekle!!!! M.Tekle was buried but Zenawi took it to be called as a hero. The history is true!!! Zenawi was a problem solver of TPLF which was confronting Shabia.

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