
Striving to have skilled manpower to develop the economy

By Admin

September 19, 2017


Striving to have skilled manpower to develop the economy




Education is the key for the development of any country. Unless there are well trained citizens that could facilitate the development of the country in every aspect, development is impossible. That is why the Ethiopian government has been investing on education in since the past twenty six years.


The government has made education a key   precedence in all its development accomplishments with a strong sincerity that   quality education and training is both fundamental to human development and critically linked to broad-based economic growth and democratic governance. This is evidenced by the act that the share of education and training budget has become nearly a quarter of the total annual government budget.


In other words, the government has prioritized and increasingly allocated huge resources for the expansion of equitable, relevant and quality education at all levels and promising results have been achieved in the sector.  


Presently various aggressive steps are being made and concerted efforts are exerted to transform educational management and there  by improve educational quality.   Education is fundamental to the successful achievement of sustainable development to form a link between knowledge generation and

transfer of knowledge to society for their entry  into the labor market and to contribute to the  societal development through outreach and  service to society.


Establishing a transparent, accountable and efficient system at every level of the education hierarchy is given due attention and  as a result there are encouraging changes being  observed through time. In general, status of  most of the education indicators in ESDP V  confirms that the ministry has made progress  on many fronts.


More children have access to better education today than ever before. The enrollment and number of fields and disciplines of training  and education in TVET centers and higher  education institutions have significantly increased  in the last ten years. The progress made in improving the quality of general education under the General Education Quality Improvement  Program (GEQIP), result oriented TVET and  quality teaching in higher education institutions  is very promising.


Higher education institutions bear a profound, moral responsibility to increase the awareness, knowledge, skills, and values needed  to create a just and sustainable future. Higher education often plays a critical but often overlooked role in making this vision a reality.


It prepares most of the professionals who develop, lead, manage, teach, work in, and influence society’s institutions. Thus, Higher Education Institutions have critical and tangible role in developing the principles, qualities and awareness not only needed to perpetuate the sustainable development philosophy, but to improve upon its delivery.   


Higher Education in Ethiopia includes  education programs which are offered as  undergraduate degree for three, four or more  years and specialized degrees such as Master’s and PhD programs. The focus areas of higher  education institutions are teaching learning,  research and community service.


The Higher Education Institutions of  Ethiopia include 38 functional government  higher education institutions or universities (35  are accountable to the Ministry of Education  and the others are the Ethiopian Civil Service  University, Kotebe Metropolitan University  and Oromia State University) and accredited  non-government higher education institutions  and 98 non-government institutions.


The enrollment of students to different  programs in the last ten years has shown   remarkable growth. In 2015/16 a  significant number of students got admission  for the undergraduate programs. There were  778,766 students enrolled in this program.


Completion of this program is certified by  awarding a bachelor’s degree. The degree of  Doctor of Medicine (MD) and the degree of  Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) are also  classified under undergraduate programs and  are included in undergraduate, Ministry of  Education.


I fit is analyzed, in the year 2015/16  the total undergraduate enrollment  regular,  evening, summer and distance programs is  778,766 of which 265,851 are females. The majority 84.8  percent of these students are  enrolled in government institutions, whereas  private institutions cover 15%. The later may need greater enhancement. It can also be seen  from the table and chart that undergraduate   enrollment is highest in regular programs and  lowest in distance programs. The share of the  regular program from the total undergraduate  enrollment is about 54.6 percent, according to data from Ministry of Education.

Enrollment in Undergraduate by  Programs, 2015/16, are regular  424,946, extension  37,639 summer 123,726  and distance 92,455 those add to the total of  778,766.


If the long trends in undergraduate  enrollment in government and non- governmental institutions are to be considered  the increment in the registration of students  between 2006/2007  in which 203,399 students were enrolled and 2015/16 is 382.87 percent.

This indicates the augmentation of the  capacities of Ethiopian universities to enroll  large number of students and the effort of the  government made in the educational endeavor.  There are also critical issues that require  extraordinary efforts for the better.  In this  connection, Ministry of Education fully understands the scope  of challenges confronting the education and  training system and is working with greater  zeal and commitment focusing on improving  the learning outcome of students, skill training  of the adolescent/youth as  well as quality and relevance of higher  education.


The status of performance indicators will inform the processes of policy formulation,  planning and strategy development; strategic  decision making; reforming; monitoring and  evaluation; research as well as managing the  distribution and allocation of educational  resources and services if used appropriately  and in context.


The ministry underlines and gives due  recognition that the progress it has made so  far was achieved through a high level of  commitment and consensus at all levels; active  engagement and contribution of all stakeholders,  including officials at all levels, teachers,  principals, parents, students and learners, local  communities, civil society organizations, the  private sector and development partners. We are very optimistic in that the momentum will  continue with renewed dedication, ownership  and partnership in the years ahead.

In conclusion, the role of education in  Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan  achievement is pivotal. In different words, the  betterment of the society depends on quality  and accessible education. In addition,  Sustainable developments’ imperative should  become paramount in training students and specialists. Education is a fundamental to the  victorious achievement of sustainable  development to form a connection between   knowledge generation and transfer of knowledge  to society for their entry into the labor market  and to contribute to the societal development   through outreach and service to society.