
Construction Sector – the hotbed of corruption

By Admin

October 06, 2017

Construction Sector – the hotbed of corruption

Bereket Gebru

Good governance has currently come to the forefront of issues demanding special attention. The peace and security, the development endeavors and territorial integrity of Ethiopia have all been threatened recently by various acts that have their roots in the lack of good governance. Consequently, a national effort to stamp out the social menace has been operational for quite some time now.

Although there are numerous manifestations of the lack of good governance, corruption is one of the most widely known. While governance aims to build a healthy and a working relationship between government and the people, corruption uses that spot of connection as a ground to breed personal gains over public ones. Subsequently, the use of public office for private gain marginalizes the wider public in the provision of social services. The end result of high prevalence of corruption is a wall between government and the people effectively alienating the two bodies involved in governance.

The paradigm on corruption is that it happens where the private and public sectors meet. Within the public sector, though, there are various levels of corruption perception. That means some activities within the public sector are more vulnerable to corruption than others for various reasons.

Accordingly, one of the sectors perceived to be highly prone to corruption is construction. A research entitled “Diagnosing corruption in Ethiopia” states that the construction and public works sector is consistently ranked worldwide as one of the most corrupt sectors. The research clearly indicates that the sector is one of the three most corrupt of all sectors alongside defense and the extractive industries. It goes on to say: “globally, it has been estimated that corruption accounts for at least 10 percent of turnover in the construction sector, or well over US$1 billion per day. Both the problem and its effects are most acute in developing countries, where construction sector corruption can account for leakages of 20 percent or more.”


Wondyirad Seifu, Senior Corruption Prevention Expert at the Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, concurs that the construction sector is among the most corrupt sectors in Ethiopia as well. In explaining why that is the case, he noted about four major factors. These are:


  1. The amount of money in the sector: the huge amount of money in the sector is a magnate drawing the corrupt close as they seek to benefit personally from huge public funds. Huge funds generally draw corrupt behavior.


  1. Its participatory nature: construction projects usually have numerous stakeholders each responsible for certain aspects of the whole task. The types of work and organizations carrying them out are usually numerous. Consultants, clients and contractors come together on a project with various roles. The bidding system also allows numerous organizations to participate. Gaps in their interests could create a chance for corruption to flourish in their urge to fill them.


  1. The compromised work cannot easily be traced: the fact that the construction process builds upon some compromised sub-standard works means that it is not clear for everyone to see the change. Using thinner iron rods in columns would, for instance, be extremely hard to trace once the column is covered with concrete. The same goes for a cut and fill job in road construction. The fact that only a few people know about the transgressions also makes it hard to trace and thus an easy venture for the corrupt.


  1. Lack of awareness of clients: the clients who own the construction do not usually know as much as they are required to about construction. That leaves enough room for consultants and contractors to venture into corrupt practices.


A research has identified common corrupt practices in Ghana, Nigeria and the UK. The list of corrupt practices include: bribery to get onto tender lists or to win contracts, submitting false information in documents, forming a cartel, submitting several bids from the same contractor under different names, front-loading the tender, putting in a low bid and then making claims or skimping on materials, not making good defects and foregoing retention.


According to the findings of the research entitled “diagnosing corruption in Ethiopia,” “the construction sector in Ethiopia appears to show most of the classic warning signs of the risk of corruption.” These signs are divided into direct and indirect warning signs. The direct signs include:






Accordingly, the indirect warning signs the research entitled “Diagnosing Corruption in Ethiopia” put forward include:




“Though various industry associations define the professional standards to which they expect member companies to adhere, there are no professional institutions in Ethiopia to provide guidance and oversight to individuals. Unusually, the government retains control of the process of individual registration. Whether or not this process is ever abused, the arrangement itself serves to further reinforce the unequal relationship mentioned above.”




On the other hand, the annual international report on doing business has over the years indicated that Ethiopia has progressively become a better place for doing business. The factors that the report considers to arrive at its rankings include: starting a business, dealing with permits, access to electric power, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders and enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency.


The factors weighed in determining the ease of doing business in a country have some similarity to those raised by the research which are: anticipating likely future costs, access to market opportunities, access to capital and equipment, the margins to be made in those markets, and the related cash flows. Ethiopia’s progressive rise up the ranks, therefore, indicates that the situation is rapidly improving. Moreover, the public sector reform in the country has helped tackle most of the problems pointed out by the research including the discretionary powers of government officials. Work procedures have increasingly become transparent and discretionary powers made less authoritarian as a result of the reform.