
The GERD Coming

By Admin

November 17, 2017

The GERD Coming


Amen Teferi

Though it is far from storing water, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is nearly done. The construction of the over 6,000-megawatt began nearly six years ago and is now close to completion. According to some sources, the 5 billion Dollar project, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), will begin producing electricity sometime in 2017/18. The dam which sits on the Blue Nile near the border of Ethiopia and Sudan has the capacity of storing 74 billion-cubic-meter and the reservoir will soon start to fill —a process expected to take anywhere from five to 15 years.

As only about a quarter of its citizens have access to electricity, Ethiopia badly needs it. The country’s installed capacity is a dismal 3,200 MW, and the annual per capita electricity consumption is among the lowest in the world—65 kilowatt-hours in 2013, far below even the average of 488 kWh for sub-Saharan African countries and the world average of 3,104 kWh. Without electricity, the vast majority of Ethiopians rely on burning wood, dung, and other forms of biomass, and so deforestation and soil erosion has accelerated.

Given the country’s natural resources, there is no need for this impoverishment. According to energy experts, Ethiopia has the second highest hydropower potential in Africa, with an estimated capacity of about 45,000 MW. The GERD, as well as the 1,870-MW Gilgel Gibe III Dam completed in 2015, will nearly quadruple Ethiopia’s electricity capacity. Excess electricity will be exported to other African countries and even to Europe and could eventually earn Ethiopia about $1 billion per year, which would make it the largest electricity exporter in Africa.

Among the dam’s other expected benefits are a steadier flow of water through the dry season and less flooding in the rainy season. That regulating influence could be especially helpful as climate change makes East Africa’s rainfall more unpredictable.

But like all big hydropower projects these days, the dam has raised plenty of concerns. Sudan and Egypt, Ethiopia’s downstream neighbors, have understandably worried that the flow of the Blue Nile will be curtailed, particularly during the filling of the dam’s reservoir. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam sits on the Blue Nile about 20 kilometers from Ethiopia’s border with Sudan. The dam’s impact on the river, particularly during the filling of the reservoir, has been a concern for Sudan as well as Egypt. But Ethiopia has often reaffirmed its neighbors that in the filling process the concerns of Sudan and Egypt will be taken care of.

The over 6,000-megawatt Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that is scheduled to begin producing electricity in 2017 and several other large dams in Ethiopia could turn the country into Africa’s hydropower hub.

The Blue Nile is the larger of the two main tributaries of the Nile River, and both Egypt and Sudan rely on the river for irrigation as well as electricity. Sudan’s Roseires Dam and Sennar Dam on the Blue Nile, which together supply about 80 percent of the country’s power, and Egypt’s Aswan High Dam on the Nile will benefit from the GERD.

We remember that the Ethiopian government had originally proposed that the three countries jointly fund, operate, and own GERD, but Sudan and Egypt ignored that proposal. In fact, when Ethiopia first announced the project in April 2011 many people were skeptical that such a poor country could pull off something so ambitious. And yet the dam, which is being funded entirely by Ethiopia, is on track to be completed on time and within budget. Once this dam and several smaller ones are completed during the coming years, Ethiopia could well become the hydropower hub for East Africa. Several countries have already agreed to buy electricity from Ethiopia.

For that to happen, the region’s electricity infrastructure will need significant improvements. Ethiopia’s grid is currently nowhere near large enough or robust enough to absorb even a doubling of capacity. Transmission and distribution networks do not exist in many parts of the country, nor are there sufficient high-voltage links to its neighbors to support electricity exports.

That situation should soon begin to change, however. The World Bank is funding the Eastern Electricity Highway Project, which includes a 500-kilovolt, 2,000-MW high-voltage direct-current transmission line between Ethiopia and Kenya, due to be completed in 2018. The Ethiopian government is investing heavily in its distribution networks as well. The Growth and Transformation Plan II, which prioritizes government spending, calls for the installation of nearly 22,000 km of distribution lines by 2020, compared with about 13,000 km in 2015.

Just how much electricity the dam will produce is an open question. Some mechanical engineers claim the rated capacity of over 6,000 MW represents the dam’s peak output arguing that most of the time, the river’s flow won’t be strong enough to allow the dam to generate that much electricity.

According to the calculations of some mechanical engineers, 2,000 MW would have been a more reasonable rating for the dam. Back in the early 1960s, in fact, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation had recommended building a “border dam” of about that size in the same location. But the border dam’s proposed reservoir was less than one-fifth of the GERD reservoir’s 74 billion cubic meters, and the dam itself was less than half as high as GERD’s 155 meters.

Ethiopia has also considerable wind, solar, and geothermal resources. With construction of GERD nearly finished, Ethiopia will soon focus on other electric power projects. As there is several satellite images that have been circulated online showing the formation of a lake on one side of the dam, concerns had risen in Cairo over the “possible” negative impact the Ethiopian dam will have on Egypt’s “share” of Nile water. But that lake was formed due to a flood.

The Blue Nile flood starts in June and lasts until the end of September each year. The river receives the largest chunk of its water during the flood period with its water levels decreasing the remainder of the year.

For its part, the Ethiopian government has stressed that the dam does not bring any significant harm on the downstream countries [Egypt or Sudan], rather it helps to generate electricity for the African countries.