
Federalism strengthening development, diversity

By Admin

December 27, 2017

Federalism strengthening development, diversity

Gebre-Michael Asgedom

The recent Ethiopian Nations Nationalities and People’s Day was celebrated in Semera, capital of Afar National State. While opening the ceremony, Prime Minister Haile-Mmariam Dessalegn had called on Ethiopians to renew their commitment to achieve the goals set in the second Growth and Transformation Plan and realize poverty alleviation. He told the audience to renew commitment and scale up efforts to the renaissance of Ethiopian.

He said nations and nationalities of Ethiopia are now cooperatively striving to alleviate poverty. As to him, the celebration of the Nations Nationalities and People’s Day has aimed at strengthening the unity of the nations and nationalities of the country and consolidating their participation in the efforts to create a single political-economic society. To this end, the country’s Constitution has helped bring development, build democracy and consensus among the Ethiopian people. It has shown itself to be the best means of accommodating multi-national society.

In addition, nation recognizes that the free flow of alternative ideas is one of the fundamental prerequisites without which citizens cannot exercise their right of freedom of expression and press freedom as well. Allowing the free expression of diverse views is essential in creating a free and democratic society; democracy can truly be bedrock of ideas provided that citizens are able to fully exercise such basic liberties as freedom of thought and expression.

Fortunately, the budding democracy in Ethiopia has remained an ideal system for accommodating the interest of all Ethiopians in the present day. Hence, the country’s history in the past two decades is an existing testimony to how much the progression of invaluable federalist ideas, for the sake of ensuring the sovereignty of people, has taken root creditably.

Ethiopia is a melting pot of people, which is a home of close to 80 nations, nationalities and peoples having distinct languages, cultures and beliefs. Accordingly, it has become mandatory to strengthen the sense of accommodating federalism that deserve the current nation, nationalities and peoples  of Ethiopia (it is deplorable to suppress such a diversified society in a single ideology or political roadmap and make them sing alike from the same song sheet); people understand the very fact that democracy cannot be realized by waving a sorcerer’s  broom; it requires putting in place the conditions which enable the free and peaceful expression of competing ideas.

Accordingly, based on the main tenets of the Ethiopian federal system, federalism and accommodation of diversity, the people’s choice of multicultural federalism is a measure in the right direction to the extent that it attempts to integrate historically marginalized groups and establish constituent units. Such a measure has not only ensured, at least so far, the survival of the Ethiopian state but also enabled to resolve conflicts.

Federalism is about sharing power and resources. In the context of Ethiopian Constitution and federalism that accommodates multicultural societies, it is also a means for accepting diversity and for enhancing peaceful coexistence of diverse groups at different levels. Viewed from this perspective, the sporadic problems in some of the constituent states suggest how delicate the issues of regional governments are even after the decade of federal experience.

Nation understands the very fact that genuine power sharing among the diverse nations, nationalities and peoples is very much logical, accommodating and acceptable to all citizens; the only viable solution to bring lasting peace and stability among regions. So far, the federal government, through its program of enhancing federal affairs, has managed to carry out commendable activities be it training, capacity building or implementing successful fiscal federalism (indeed it has helped to forge stronger alliance among various regions).

Under the present federal system, states are granted the status of a nation. They are given self-determination rights broadly understood to mean as the use and development of one’s language, culture, history and administrative structure. Beyond the unrestricted right to administer itself, self-determination also includes proportional representation at federal organs.

The states have their respective autonomous governments. Each regional government includes a State Council (the highest organ of state authority) and a State Administration (highest organ of executive power). The State Council is the highest political authority: it defines the region’s policy and has all legislative, executive and judiciary powers regarding the region, except for those under the responsibility of the central government, such as defense, foreign affairs and economic policy.

Unlike the previous systems, the current federalism has brought about numerous advantages to all citizens. Under the present federal system, Ethiopia achieved strong unity through diversity. The federal system also paved the way for a peaceful and harmonized co-existence of the various nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia. Furthermore, ethnic federalism has been strengthening democracy and good governance.

This system of administration has also played a pivotal role in Ethiopia’s economic success by empowering every citizen and every community to contribute to the nation’s development and to benefit from it in equitable manner. The federal system of governance currently put in place has been contributing a lot to the success of Ethiopia by consolidating peace and stability in the country and paving the way for the people to join hands in rebuilding the nation.

And Ethiopia, through this style of administration, has managed to introduce a democratic system of governance that is fast maturing and consolidating all the peoples of Ethiopia to maintain and celebrate their individual identities. In addition, the federal system empowered all the peoples of Ethiopia to manage their local affairs autonomously and to mobilize all their resources to improve their livelihoods and develop their communities, while at the same time becoming active participants in common national affairs.

The system allowed Ethiopian people to design their own future to fit the circumstances of each locality and thus serve the people better. Indeed, the federal system contributed much to the rapid economic growth registered in all parts of the country. The country achieved peace, stability and economic development following the establishment of the federal system.

With its unique features, Ethiopia’s model of federalism has brought about a wide spectrum of benefits to the country. The system generally managed to satisfy the will of the people of Ethiopia far better than any other system of governance in the previous; it is federalism that enabled both Ethiopia’s survival and the establishment of legitimate political authority.

In fact, Ethiopia is still open to draw valuable lessons on federalism from countries with far richer experiences. At the same time, it has also managed to build successful and practically proven federal system, which is the basis for its renaissance and that, could be emulated by countries aspiring to establish and pursue multi-ethnic federalism as a system of state administration.

Likewise, sustainable development requires equality and unity in diversity. In this regard, Ethiopia’s federal system has given full recognition to autonomy, while maintaining the unity of the state. Hence, previously marginalized communities are now enjoying self-governance and control over their own resources and are enjoying better access to public services. And this in turn has resulted in immense economic interdependence among the states and the federal state.

With its unique features, Ethiopia’s model of federalism has brought about a wide spectrum of benefits to the country. The system has generally satisfied the will of the people more accurately than any other previous systems tried in the country (though there are some disagreements emanating from citizens, basically caused by lack of awareness about the style of federalism being applied in Ethiopia).

Indubitably, federalism has enabled to strengthen showcase and practice of cultural diversity as well as social equality. The wider political community is manifesting political cohesion and solidarity stemming from the freedom, equality and diversity of the constituent parts. And this in turn has galvanized the populace into concerted public engagement and action, resulting in unparalleled advancement in economic development and poverty alleviation.

The incumbent federal system of administration, though at its infant stage compared to the history and application of federalism in other countries, has enabled to answer the long-sought questions of people (including rule of law, equality, justice and sovereignty). It has also enabled to steer the country in the right direction and register amazing changes; changes that have been lauded by the international community.

Currently, all citizens across the country have become equal beneficiaries of the fruits of development registered in the past 27 years. This inurn has enabled to enhance the sense of ownership, belongingness and participation of citizens in various aspects, be it development, peace and democracy building.

It could be said that the practice of federalism has enabled Ethiopia to proudly walk straight to development. Currently, the country is striving to build resilient federalism and democratic system of administration that can further accommodate the wide interest of citizens (based on the Constitution that has been witnessed as lasting guarantee of peace and development of the country).

Over all, the activities being carried out to flourish federalism have enabled to facilitate the relations between the federal government and regional governments and among regional governments themselves. In brief, the federalism being pursued by the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has served as a firm ground for the unity of the peoples of Ethiopia through diversity and has created conducive environment, where all nations, nationalities and peoples can participate in and benefit from the rapid economic growth of the country.