
Congratulation to Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali.

By Admin

April 04, 2018


Congratulation to Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali.

  Luel Gebremedhin(USA) April 2, 2018.

    I congratulate Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali who has been elected April 2, 2018 as 4th Prime Minister of the Democratic republic of Ethiopia since the Ethiopian people’s Revolution Democratic Front has come to power in 1983. It is my strong belief that the election of Dr. Abiy Ahmed Prime Minster of Ethiopia will enhance and address the fat issues that have been raised by the people. The road that brought Dr. Abiy Ahmed to secure his Premierwas neither rough nor smooth. Thereafter, the E.P.R.D.F. Party deserves substantial credit for its unmistakable decision to grant Dr. Abiy Ahmed the Premier position.


     People are demanding very basic, fundamental, and Universal rights such as fair and equitable wealth distribution, Government fiscal responsibility, transparency and accountability, freedom of expression, rule of law, job, and unity.  These are straight forward. The real medicine to real issues depend on real political and economic reforms. Besides, constitutional reforms, Judiciary reforms, electoral system reforms, civic society reforms, and policy reforms are indispensable. The Ethiopian people are waiting to see these reforms from the new elected Prime Minister sooner or later.


      The principles of the rule of law shall not be fragmented, distorted, and treated as needed. Rule and law breakers regardless of ranks and positions shall face Justice for their action on a transparence manner to synthesis peace, stability, and democracy in the Mother land.The Ethiopian people deserve to know how the Government they elect runs the interest of their will. The contract between the people and the Government stays valid to build trust among all people of the country.  Media agency professionals can do a lot to magnify and advance the direction of the Government if the nest holds them down take off. Media advancement plays crucial role Countries like Ethiopia who have over 100 million population.


        The electoral system of the land does need fundamental reform to serve all stake holders as neutral as possible for the sake of peace and stability and for the advancement of tangible and measurable democracy to prevail on the free land. A neutral and permanent electoral commission has to set inclusively and lawfully with appropriate fiscal budget. The same is true when it comes to land and Judiciary reforms. Land is the only and solely asset most people have in Ethiopia. The people shall be fully granted the ownership certificate of their land. The Government shall take his hands off the land retail business unless otherwise a land is needed for specific Government purposes in a particular time and place. For instance, land for nuclear facility, power productions, federal buildings, and so on so forth. Land leasing creates uncontrollable problems in the long run.


         Judiciary system and prison protection act need to be reviewed and revised immediately. People are mistrial and abuse regularly. An independent Judiciary commission has to be established to protect citizens of the land. Those who abuse the rule of the land in the prison facilities shall be brought to Justice. Unfortunately, it did not happen before and will not happen in near future either unless real and measurable reforms take place. Ethiopian people do not have the trust on the functionality of the Judiciary system of the land.


          The scope of democracy in Ethiopia is not strong as needed as we all wish. The E.P.R.D.F. Party tells us time and time again that democracy is not optional to the Ethiopian people. It’s a “must and real” based on the argument of the party. If so, why is too late to make it happen? When and how is democracy be effective? Why do people still die for it? Why the voice of the people not been heard?Political accommodation, tolerance, and riskanalysisrequire skill and intelligence. We are way behind to practice the art of politics but we are way ahead to talk about it. Real action requires real leadership skill.  The Ethiopian people deserve unconditional right to express their will and speak their mind when their interests do not math up with the plans, programs, policies, and promises of their Government. All freedom of public expressions must be conducted peacefully and in compliance with the constitution of the land. Prisoning people and force application do not bring effective result at all but civil unrest and destruction of lives and properties. Rule of law governs everything and anything. Therefore, let us be fully defendant and dependent on the rule of law rather than the rule of the people in the administration level. Every single person has the right to be productive wherever he or she lives in Ethiopia. Ungovernable (Lawless) people are killing innocent people unlawfully in their Mother land. I urge your administration to denounce the action and bring the killers face Justice on an open trail.   


           Prime Minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed, regardless of political view, religion, or race, the Ethiopian people are behind you to support your causes. So, your Government shall recall and summon all Ethiopian origin living in the diaspora to come back home including politicians, political party leaders, individuals who hate the action of your Government. By doing so, there is nothing to lose at all. This is how effective leader and party does politics. Let us forgive each other the sins we have carry on and come to the round table to discuss the issues of our people for good causes.  I have the hope you Prime Minister my callwill happen sooner or later. Besides, let us seal the holes we have dug for so long to move forward effectively and efficiently. The way I see politics in Ethiopia is going to wrong direction and need to be deterred as quick as possible to settle public unrest and to advance democratic culture in Ethiopia. Ethiopia can not afford moving back ward from now then. Let us transfer peace sustainability, economic development, functional democracy, rule of law, harmony, and unity to coming generation.


     God bless Ethiopia.