
Undertaking expeditious reform programs

By Admin

April 12, 2018

Undertaking expeditious reform programs

Fekadu W.


All international chroniclers including BBC, Reuters, AP, Aljazeera and CNN had recently acclaimed and publicized the election of PM Abiy Ahmed as the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia. They stated that the culture of peaceful transition of power and sense of democracy is taking root in Ethiopia. They said Ethiopia is experiencing better arena of democracy with time.

They stressed that a lot is expected from the new PM. He should sustain the culture of peace and democracy and secure the status of Ethiopia as an island of peace and hub of diplomacy in the turmoil-ridden part of east Africa. Particularly, the country has recently commenced to rebrand its name as the destination of investment (as witnessed by the volume of FDI attraction in various economic sectors of the country) and the PM should be tasked with sustaining this good image and development endeavor of Ethiopia.

Following the voluntary resignation of PM Haile-Mariam many political analysts and scholars had stated that the culture of peaceful transfer of power is burgeoning with time. And Ethiopia should strengthen this culture of democracy, which is unseen and unimplemented in many countries of Africa.

Similarly, in his inauguration speech, the newly appointed PM, Dr. Abiy Ahmed had briefed about multiple issues to Ethiopians in and outside of the country and international community who were all eyes and ears to hear the latest good news about Ethiopia since the resignation of outgoing PM Haile-Mariam Dessalegn. Many said he had conveyed desperately needed message for unity, democracy and development. He ardently called on all Ethiopians at home and in the Diaspora to help build the country by contributing their own.

The PM also expressed highest appreciation to His Excellency Hailemariam Desalegn, for his exemplary and voluntary stepping down and willingly transferring power to be part of the solution for the instability that gripped the country before the declaration of state of emergency; believing that a new leadership is better poised to tackle these problems; prioritizing the dignity of the country and the country’s national interests in a manner that can set precedence for African continent.

In line with this, the idea of diversity ushered in by the new federal government of Ethiopia since 1991(that Ethiopia is home of many nations, nationalities and peoples). Hence, in a country as big as Ethiopia there will inevitably be differences in opinion and these opinions are not curses. And, when we are able to listen to each other despite our differences and engage in principled discourse, our differences would return dividends in the form of blessings.

Fighting over ideas entertains solutions. We should believe on the idea that when we strive in team spirit, we become stronger and achieve more; two heads are better than one. This in turn nurtures spirit of cooperation. Through cooperation, there is no problem that could not be resolved.

Henceforth, we have to embrace more civilized culture of negotiation and win-win style of settlement of political problems (the sentiment that had been dogging political parties  “ after me the deluge or I rather die than see my idea not win destroys families, let alone nations and it has to be shunned’’).

Citizens are the owners of Ethiopia and national unity is the key thing to secure Ethiopia to the next generation; we need to, however, capitalize on the reality that national unity doesn’t mean oneness. Our unity needs to be one that embraces our diversity and highlights our multinational identity.

Above all, Ethiopia is the cornerstone of Pan-Africanism, the founder and seat of African Union and many leading international organizations. Currently, it is playing notable role in arena of regional, continental, and global diplomacy. In addition, the foreign policy of the country established on peaceful co-existence and mutual benefit is strengthening development and the new generation must build on it. Similarly, with its African brothers in general and neighbors in particular, nation should toughen solidarity in times of hardship and prosperity.

To this end, the young generation should understand the very fact that building democratic system demands listening to each other. Above all, government is a servant of the people and it may not ignore the true call of citizens as far as its is demonstrated peacefully. And people have full right to criticize leaders, to elect them, and to scrutinize them. This is because Ethiopia’s style of administration enshrined in the constitution is popular sovereignty.

It is true that democracy is unthinkable without freedom while freedom is not a gift of heaven or donation from international organizations. Rather, a gift of nature to every citizen  that emanates from human dignity; democracy blooms when citizens are respected and respecting all human and democratic rights and boosting freedom of expression are all pillars of democracy enshrined in the constitution.

Ethiopia has been building a democratic system in the last two decades, where the system allows citizens to express their ideas freely, without any intimidation and fear unlike the derg regime. Nation believes the right of citizens for freedom of expression and free movement cannot be built without farsighted leadership, support and open-heartedness of the government. Therefore, the new government is expressing more commitment to continue working with great resolve so that the freedom of expression and freedom of speech realized by the constitution will be realized to the fullest.

Needless to say, in democratic government, rule of the law needs to be strengthened. Now, people are striving to support democratic governance, equitable allocation of national resources and building participatory political system. Similarly, they are decrying that sowing political, ethnic, religious or culture-based conflict and hatred is unacceptable.

Hence, currently, all patriots who love their country ought to lend their unreserved support to the activities of deep reform, despite its being very much belated and its toning down due to the occurrence of appalling events. Now, scholars are advising that, more than anything else, it is essential to close the saga of deadly violence induced by ambition and assumption of power; use of force and evil practice whereby the winner takes all and the loser ends up in penitentiaries should be replaced with democratic culture of negotiation, cooperation  and tolerance.

As ever, rule of law must prevail and serve the true purpose of justice. When it does, the law protects the dignity of citizens that emanates from humanity. Taking this truth in to account, leaders should fill the gap encountered in good governance and remedy weaknesses in the administration of justice; by putting in place workable system and making the necessary reforms that enable democracy to flourish in the country; so that freedom and justice shall reign; so that rule of law will serve the purpose of justice more than ever.

Needless to say, the culture of transparency and accountability is growing with time. However, to meet the demand of people, the affairs of government should be conducted more transparently as far to meet the desire of people; failure when carrying out one’s duties must ensue liability as the best means to curb mal-governance.

As part of deep reform started so far, it is significant to enhance the execution capacity of human power and institutions. Paramount to achieving this goal is transforming their capacity; realizing satisfaction of citizens is impossible if they continue  in their business-as-usual mindset; they have to be equipped with knowledge and capacity( budget and technology as well).

To this end, the new PM is heavily shouldered with organizing capable cabinets, strengthening the reform and leading the country in a transformative manner. Likewise, citizens are anticipated to back the endeavor of the new cabinet and help strengthen the current deep renewal activity, intensify the anti-poverty and anti-corruption struggle being waged throughout the country as far as achieving meaningful change in the living standard of people and curbing corruption and rent-seeking to the level it could not hamper development.

Whatever the case, deep renewal activity should reach every level of the administration and jolt up activities of development. To this end, the new PM should be tasked with introducing new programs and campaigns to enhance awareness of citizens, catalyze anti-corruption struggle, develop sensitization of good governance and help register amazing changes in the development endeavor of the country.

Indubitably, encouraging unreserved participation of the masses is a key factor in strengthening transparency and accountability. And the “deep renewal activity” the government has embarked on earlier should serve the long-term development need of the country.

Building democratic system is a continuum and it should go continuously and surely. The ultimate need to deep renewal is to mobilize the participation of people and to improve good governance, renovate style of leadership with new mechanisms and seal off loop holes of corruption.

And a nation that meets the aspirations and needs of successive generations can be created not by perpetuating the existing set of circumstances, but rather through the steadfast application of normative values that suit the interest of the current generation.

Matter of fact, nation has travelled a long way in the process of democratization, enrichment of good governance and development of the economy, though not far enough to satisfy the expectation of citizens. Hence, it is high time to   exert more effort and reach the desirable level of development and democracy (through the concerted endeavor of citizens and the government).

Rome was not built in a day. All our problems cannot be solved in a single day. However, we can make a difference by working together and building a better country for all. The government is expressing commitment to better transformation. And we all have responsibilities to work in a concerted manner and implement ongoing development programs expeditiously.