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The government fulfills its constitutional responsibility to guarantee peace and the


The government fulfills its constitutional responsibility to guarantee peace and the

rule of law

“Everyone must be committed in the matter of peace; to do everything that they can ….Peace is the

language we must speak.” — Pope Francis

Defining peace is not such a simple thing. But one can agree as peace is living in a way to embrace
respect, and tolerance. Living in peace is about living harmoniously, where there is a diversity. It
strengthens living in peace that one cannot be overlooked, such as being non-violent, being tolerant,
holding moderate views, and celebrating wondrous-life.
In such condition, everyone will feel protected by the rule of law despite their divergent identities. You
might think we are living in an extraordinary time. Ensuring an equal treatment and protection of all
citizens; irrespective of their race, tribe, class, status, religion, place of origin, or political persuasion. It
implies a legal framework of rule of law that is fair enough to hand the right of citizens and legitimizes
the state actions.
A lot has been said about the change blowing under the sky of Ethiopia in the last few months. For us; the
political environment in our country is very encouraging. Media and especially the government
institutions have been witnessing a lifelong hope to the people that it will be in the future. But, in this
hope unnecessary mentality is reflected to diminish the bulb of change lightened. Here, then, It is difficult
to think of much about the distressed thoughts of peace in accordance to the rule of law, where a citizen
has not saved enough.
Even, cowards involved in the situations for political power attainment are trying to change the direction
in shadowing the tangible change and the hopes. Besides, enforcing the entire people to the destructive
effects of human rights violations. It is shocking to bring about the blood of innocent civilians killed,
displaced and destroyed recklessly a lot of properties for a year.
Sustaining peace at all levels is vital. Peace is mandatory for a nation to move forward. The government
has to execute its constitutional responsibility to guarantee peace and the rule of law. So many people

may live within unhappy circumstances on government. Because, they are without any strings to be self-
secured and protected.

It is true that, the situation has not worsened for a period of time in our citizenship, and that the
government is being caught up in silent to take various measures. Criminals involved in the situation are
standing before the court by identifying the repressive convicts to laws as they arrested by the police.
Throughout the public square, the people have expressed concern about peace, and development, not
violence nor the desperate environment.
At the time the government would strongly urge that winning and taking power is based on producing
better ideas and competitiveness, rather than reinforcing and violations. Furthermore, it is true any
politically negative action should be peaceful and legitimate understanding should be redundant and
valued by the rule of law.

That is why the government, waiting for, power based on love is more effective and permanent than the
power gained through threat of punishment, Mahatma Gandhi said in his Peace before power
demonstration. So, the government has never failed to defend the rule of law and peace. And will always
be responsible for the enforcement of the law.
Respect for the rule of law generates an enabling environment for achieving peace. Unless the rule of law
is guaranteed, it is difficult to ensure the needed peace, development, and democracy to all nations.
The rule of law is essential to realizing equitable peace. Its application describes a situation in which
people respect the fundamental rights of others, offering greater stability to the society as a whole.
Normally, it provides justice and order as well as individual freedom and social stability.
Not only the government, but also citizens are responsible in fighting the unrest that messenger by a
certain individual which had a support. Those individual were not on the track lined in sweeping the
reforms rather than staying still in old fashioned thinking. Mobbing activities which are seen around the
country were taken evidenced.
In one respect, this has become part of our practice of peace building. Fundamentally the role of the
people within diverged societies is critical. Peace cannot be imported, it is created within the society.
But peace does not rest on the hands of the government alone. It lies in the hearts and minds of all people.
So let us not rest all our hopes on parchment and on paper, let us strive to build peace, a willingness to
work for peace in the hearts and minds of our people. Albert Einstein says; “Peace cannot be kept by
force; it can only be achieved by understanding”. Accordingly, to promote peace within our society,
media institutions, society and government have to work harder by encouraging good relationships and
taking action to deal with.
Achieving peace requires effort from every individual. It calls for tolerance, a caring attitude and empathy
towards others, amongst many other things. When it’s time to rebuild, the rule of law must be among the
first priorities.

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