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Nation Marks 79th Patriot’s Victory Day


 Ethiopia marked today the 79th anniversary of Patriots’ Victory Day over fascist Italian amid COVID-19 pandemic posed threat for social gatherings. 

In 1941 Ethiopian patriots defeated fascist Italian aggressor and maintain the territorial integrity of the country and May 5th marked as the end of Italian aggression.

The Victory Day, was celebrated at national level in Arat Kilo, Addis Ababa where the monument to commemorate the victory and the patriots erected.

With a strong lust for taking possession of Ethiopia, which was the only sovereign African nation, Italy started war against Ethiopia in October 1935.

Fascist Italy had five years occupation, however, the time was lasted by firm resistance by Ethiopia gallant patriots and the war ended with victory of Ethiopian patriots.

In her message to the people of Ethiopia, President Sahlework Zewdie said Ethiopia is uniquely celebrating the Victory Day from home as coronavirus pandemic caused menace nationwide.

“We couldn’t celebrate the Victory Day in gatherings around the patriots’ monument due to Covid-19 but will colorfully mark it from home,” the President noted.

Sahlework said “our collaborative culture during challenging times is vital to revive from potential threats of this time and we must renew it and stand in unison like our patriots.”

Nation Marks 79th Patriot’s Victory Day

Under the leadership of Menilik II, Ethiopia has successfully defeated the Italian aggressors at the battle of Adwa in 1896, marking the first crushing defeat of a European power by African forces in colonial era.

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