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TPLF is not the sole responsible body for the political instability


TPLF is the cardinal responsible body to the political instability that had been rocking the country but other sister parties or allied parties too share the blame are also responsible for, said Tigiray People Democratic Coalition Party.

Dr. Aregawi Berhe, chief of Tigray Democratic Coalition Party said to The Ethiopian Herald that, it is obvious that the architect of these sister parties across the states is TPLF. The attendant ills almost in gross are ascribable to TPLF but the other parties it created in its image are not immune from the blame, for without their willingness it could not have done what it did. It may not have created the instability in the country.

These parties were permeated by ethnicity-charged and language-based politics. This has hatched a Host of problems in the country. The issue of Ethiopia and unity was pushed to the background as a secondary one. Following this, there were instabilities across different places of the country.
Specially, they inserted article 39 in the constitution so that the article warrants the right Nation Nationalities and Peoples breakup. This created a negative perception on citizens. A lot of problems cropped up ascribable to TPLF and other EPRDF member parties, he said.

Currently, TPLF is not fully supporting the change in the country, Dr Aregawi added. But down the road it will come aboard the change derive. It is known that citizens and opposition parties have embraced the change and TPLF also needs to be part of it and support the change, as to him.
The Ethiopian herald repetitively made a phone call to the PR head of TPLF it could not reach him though he pledged to pick the phone.

The Ethiopian Herald NP September 9, 2018

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