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DR. Abiy reelected as EPRDF Chairperson • Demeke Mekonne also reelected as Deputy Chairperson


HAWASSA- Electing Dr. Abiy Ahmed as EPRDF Chairperson and Demeke Mekonnen as Deputy Chairperson as well as passing a seven-point statement of the Front, the 11th Congress of EPRDF, held for three days in Hawassa town of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s State, concluded its session yesterday.
Accordingly, Dr. Abiy Ahmed obtained 176 voted out of 177 while Demeke Mekonnen secured 149 votes. It was disclosed that Dr. Abiy Ahmed from Oromo Democratic Party (ODP), Demeke Mekonnen From Amara Democratic Party (ADP) and Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael from Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) were among the contestants for the chairmanship.
According to the statute of the Front, Dr. Abiy and Demeke, respectively will serve as Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the front until the next 12th organizational conference, and as Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister until the upcoming sixth round national general elections on around may 2020.
Shortly after the announcement of the Front’s Chairman and Deputy Chairman, member of ADP Executive Committee Nigusu Tilahun, read out a seven-point statement of the Front.
Nigusu indicated that EPRDF has further strengthened itself as its decisions are in line with the expectations of members, supports of the struggle, affiliates and the entire people of the country.
Given the Congress’ sessions are historic, the deliberations had matchless roles in preventing the country from the brink of disintegration in addition to consolidating a glimmer of hope sparked in the hearts of the people of the country, the statement indicated.
The directions set forth by the 10th Congress had been appraised while coming to full consensus to lead the reform actions successfully, according to him.
The front reaffirmed commitment to usher the reform through a speedy path through scientific findings, widen political space than ever before and ensure the protection of individual and group rights, he said.
Adding, he noted that the Front will work with increased determination to help citizens right to movement and property protected and to give solutions to problems as per the Constitution and the free will of the people. 
He also indicated the Front’s strong stance to give peaceful solution to Ethio- Sudanese boundary issue. It will be implemented in a way that further forges the socio-economic benefits of the people of the two countries, it was noted.
The Front deeply evaluated the deadly conflicts and street justice seen in various parts of the county, Nigussu noted, vowing as EPRDF will work with more fever to ensure the respect of rule of law across the breadth and length of the country.
The young leadership that joined respective sister parties of EPRDF would surely help to redouble efforts and address the socio-economic and political hurdles.
EPRDF also urged all members of the society including youth and women, scholars, public servant and the entire people of the country to join hands for the proper implementation of the directions set forth by the 11th Congress.

The Ethiopian Herald NP October 6, 2018

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